Pilot crashes plane into tax-office on purpose

Austin (Texas)

Pilot Joseph Andrew Stack (53) crashed his small Cirrus plane into the Austin Tax-Office on purpose around 10:00 am local time.

The crash was followed by an explosion and a fire, people were hanging out of the windows to escape the flames and shouting for help. The building shook heavily. Fortunately a window washers truck was nearby so people grabbed ladders to help others to get out of the building.

Two people were brought to the hospital, One is missing.

On the Internet a suicide letter is found (pdf) and Stack supposedly set fire to his house when he left to execute his plan. Stack blames the government for a dishonest tax system that ruined his life. “Violence is not only the answer, but its the only answer” he concluded.

The plane crashed into the second floor of the building where some two hundred people work.

After a hour and a half the fire department was in control of the fire that broke out, due to this fire the building is unstable which is holding back the search for possible victims.

At first a terrorist attack was feared, authorities dispatched two F-16’s and president Obama was informed about the incident. The ministry of Internal security is handling the investigation.

Source: Nu.nl